Being a dreamer begins with partnering with God and knowing his desires. When his desires become our desires, he says we can ask of anything in his name, and he will do it.

When is the last time you created space to dream with God? To dream with him about your family? Your marriage? Your ministry? Your business?

Often we can end up getting stuck in auto-pilot, coasting through life and accepting things how they are, never dreaming about how we can improve and make them better. Dreaming is similar to having a vision for your life, without it, we end up slowly dying a little on the inside. We end up losing passion and simply allowing life to happen.

To be a dreamer is to also be a doer. You can have the biggest and most wild dreams, but if they stay in your journals, you’ll never see the reality of them. One of the biggest dreamers was Walt Disney. He didn’t just create a theme park, he created an entire world. Can you imagine of Walt’s ideas would have just stayed in his journal and went with him in the grave?

It’s time to dream again. Maybe you feel like your dreams have died, or you tried to step into a dream once and it didn’t unfold the way you expected. It’s never too late to dream again. God wants to do abundantly more than you could ever ask, think, or imagine (Ephesians 3:20) and He is a God of the impossible. He can resurrect any dead dream. He can give you ideas, strategies, and blueprints that change the world.

Will you give him space to do that?

Will you begin to dream with God?

My challenge for you this week is to go somewhere with just your journal and pen. Leave the phone behind, and ask God what dreams he wants to reveal to you. Write down every idea and thought that comes to mind, then, start taking small steps. You never know where your dream can take you.

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