“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
An A player doesn’t look to failure as a reason to give up. They see it as an opportunity to keep growing, learning, and trying again. They don’t tap out after defeat, instead, they are filled with enthusiasm to keep pressing forward. As this NY times article puts it “learning to fail is a skill like any other. Which means it takes practice.” This is how you develop a growth mindset.
The moment we stop growing, we become stagnant. This article written on Forbes explains “A fixed mindset assumes that our intelligence, character and creative ability are static. You are dealt a hand in life and are required to accept it. Believing that your qualities are set in stone creates a desire to prove yourself over and over again. A fixed mindset can result in career stagnation.”
An A player asks questions like:
- What else can I do?
- How can I serve?
- What else can I do to learn and grow?
- How can I get better?
They’re willing and unashamed to admit they don’t know everything and are willing to ask for coaching or seek advice. Look out for people who carry themselves like they have it all together. This is usually a sign of pride. Regardless of where someone is on their journey, and where they have been, there’s no cap on growing. There is always something to learn, improve in, and seek help for! To read about the 5 enemies of growth, check out a previous article we wrote here.
When I coach a team, if I see there are people resistant, it is virtually almost always a pride issue. They feel like they don’t need someone else to coach them because they can coach themselves. People who are hungry to grow want to be coached! They lean in, and they open their hearts to receive. Even athletes need a coach, and as this article puts it: “asking for help is not a form of weakness”
They take any opportunity they can to grow:
They read books
They ask questions
They research
They listen to podcasts
They pray and seek God for wisdom in their daily decisions
They have mentors and coaches
They look for opportunities that will discomfort them, knowing it will ultimately bring growth to their lives
A players with a growth mindset cannot be stopped!
Right now, I am coaching and working with 64 people and we have 10 in the pipeline! We still have room for more! This isn’t just about a plug for coaching, but if you or your team is interested in finding out more, you can send me an email or reach out on the website and I would be happy to see how I can serve your team through coaching!
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