When you think about personal and professional success, what first comes to mind? Is it money? Responsibility? Influence? Growth? There is nothing wrong with the things I listed above, but there is something even more important that needs to come before we can attain all of those things. It’s a healthy spiritual life.

Your spirituality is about more than what you want to accomplish or how you want to grow; it’s about who you are. Your spiritual life will determine your character, your perspective, and the way you relate to the world. Before moving on to create personal success and growth, you must first understand the value of feeding your spirit.

Your spirituality is about more than what you want to accomplish or how you want to grow; it’s about who you are. Click To Tweet

So how do you feed your spirit?
It’s a daily choice.

Discover more of who God is and how He made you is a great way to understanding who you are. We do that in a few ways:

1. Reading God’s Word.

In an article on Desiring God, they talked about becoming what we eat. Obviously, if we eat junk, we feel like junk. It’s the same with our spiritual life. Feeding our souls with God’s promises gives us hope. Hope in the fact that we are loved, valuable, and that we can change.

2. Talking to God daily.

Having a conversation with God is a great way to feed your soul and set your mind on what He can provide instead of trying to strive for it yourself. Are you struggling? Thriving? Frustrated? Align your perspective with God’s as you converse with your Creator.

3. Talk to yourself well.

The time you spend reading God’s Word and talking/listening to God will change the way you see and talk to yourself. Continually keep your eyes on Him and what He has for you and those negative, destructive thoughts won’t be able to find a place in your mind!

The time you spend reading God’s Word and talking/listening to God will change the way you see and talk to yourself. Click To Tweet


Making these three things a daily part of your life will impact your personal growth exponentially. In my book Get Up and Grow: 21 Habits of Successful People I will address five different ways to prioritize spiritual growth in your own life. You can get your copy here.




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