We ended last week on the topic of investing in work. Part of the why behind investing in work is so that you can learn the proper tools for time management to work efficiently so work stays at work and doesn’t come home to the family. If you didn’t get the chance to read it, you can read that article here.
Today, we’re diving into investment into the family. This is our highest calling and priority. If you do not have a spouse or children, this might apply to your friendships or those closest to you. We need people.
As you read through this series, I hope that it would inspire you to grab hold of the freedom God wants to bring to your life. Discussing these topics can be both challenging and difficult to read, but the purpose is not to bring shame or condemnation in any area you might be weak in but to call you higher. We never stop growing as leaders.
So I want to ask you. How have you been investing in your family? Do you place your calling for family above ministry/business? Are they getting your best? And if you want to grow in this area, God has grace for you. He will show you how to balance your work life and personal life. He will show you what it looks like in your current season to invest in your family!
When our families are healthy, our ministries will be healthy. But we can’t run a successful business or church without first running our own homes. Revival starts with family.
See how everything we covered previously all flows and works together? First, we must invest in ourselves. Spiritually, physically, mentally, so that we can live from a place of overflow! Here are 3 ways you can begin to make a greater investment in your family.
1. Less screen time — More one-on-one time. Meaningful conversations are a lost art these days. Implement time where all media is out away and spend intentional time asking questions and talking through your days.
2. Meals around the table — We live in a fast-paced world. We went from dinners around the table to running through the drive-through and eating in cars like the new normal. It might not be realistic all of the time, but at least try to implement this 1 – 2 times a day.
3. Creating a family vision plan — In the same way, you create a plan and get the vision for your personal life, do the same with your family. Sit down and write out where you want to go as a family, who you want to become together. Plan out family moments, dinners, and get everyone on the same page!
Stay tuned next week as we talk about soul-care in our series on the Life – Margin wheel on how to close your day in a way the prepares you for the day ahead.
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